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Astrology software Macintosh AstroQuick
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Frequently Asked Questions

  You can find answers to frequently asked questions on this page.
If you don't find an answer, please contact our technical support.


Do AstroQuick work on my computer and OS version ?

Do the HoroVision font installed with AstroQuick can be used with other software ?

I get an error message after downloading AstroQuick Software !


How can I fix my color preferences with all chart's  ?

How to create a simple zodiac, without planet and aspects  ?

How to open quickly a frequently used Chart  ?

Does the software calculate Sidereal charts ?

I prefer Koch houses. Is there a way to change house systems  ?

Can I turn the wheel so the ascendant is on the left side  ?

How to setup the Today chart (at startup) for my location  ?


Can I use the AstroQuick LIGHT version for commercial use over Internet ?

Creating html web pages with link to AstroQuick chart's files

How to send a chart via internet  ?


Does AstroQuick do chart for Solar return or calculates Transits ?

Do AstroQuick work on my computer and OS version ?

AstroQuick will run on any Mac OS computer running System 7.5 or above. Your computer should have at least 1 Mb of available RAM. For installation, you should have at least 10 Mb of hard disk space available.
If you use Mac OS X, you can run AstroQuick in the Classic (Mac OS 9.x) environment and you can also use the astrological font "HoroVision.suit" in Mac OS X applications.

Do the HoroVision font installed with AstroQuick can be used with other software ?

Of course, you can use the astrologic font HoroVision.suit with all software. When this suitcase is installed (into the system), the name "HoroVision" will appear in the standard Font Menu of applications like Quark™ XPress™, Word™ etc.
Using HoroVision Symbols is very simple: letter A=Aries, B=Taurus... a=Sun, b=moon, æ=conjunction, ß=semi-sextil etc. You can also use astrologic symbols in html pages, like this:
aAæbB. (To see astrological symbols, HoroVision font must be installed in your PC or Mac).

I get an error message after downloading AstroQuick Software! : «the archives Astro has been corruped or may not be a valid archive. Do you wish continue working with it?»

This may be your Expander™ Software that is too old. Download the latest release at:
If you get an error when trying to expand the downloaded file, using lastest Expander version, the archive may be really corrupted. Then, you will have to download again.
>Thanks, it's works with the lastest Expander™ software.
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How can I fix my color preferences with all chart's ?

Those features are described in the AstroQuick OnLine Help.
With any chart, edit your preferences using the Edit>Preferences>Document dialog. You can see all changes in the chart's window.
When you have customized your chart's preferences, use the "Preference" popup menu, selecting the "Define Standard (new)" menu item. Click the "Yes" button when you get the message "Do you want to copy this set to the Standard preferences?". After this, all new chart will have the same new preferences, that you just defined.

How to create a simple zodiac, without planet and aspects ?

Select the Edition > Preferences > document menu item and clear all plantes and cuspid choosong the first Color (checked) box.

You can also choose the popup menu Houses > none toi clear all cuspids, but in this case, zodiac will be at 0° aries and any zodiac rotation is lost.

How to open quickly a frequently used Chart ?

Version LIGHT: Copy (or create) an alias of the chart's file in the "prog" folder (which beyong to the "Applications" sub-menu).
After you restart AstroQuick, a new menu item (for this chart) will be visible in the "Applications" menu. Select this item to quickly open this chart.

Version BASIC: put a chart file, or alias, into the "Favorites" folder of the "AstroQuick folder". After you restart AstroQuick, the a new menu item (for this chart) will be visible in the "Favorites" menu of the "File" menu.

Does the software calculate Sidereal charts?

Of course. You just have to select one of the two sidereal Zodiac items (SVP or Ayanamsa) availaible in the Zodiac popup menu, in the Preferences dialog (Edit>Preferences>Document).

I prefer Koch houses. Is there a way to change house systems?

Of course. You just have to select one of the 9 house system availaible in the House popup menu, in the Preferences dialog (Edit>Preferences>Document).

Can I turn the wheel so the ascendant is on the left side ?

Yes, in the same Preferences dialog, in the Zodiac section. The "arrow" popup menu let you choose between 4 presentation on the left: Aries, Ascendant, SVP or Ayanamsa.

How to setup the Today chart (at startup) for my location ?

To set up the default location (that will be used for the "Today" Chart):
- In the entry dialog (menu File > New... or Edit > Modify), choose your location by double-clicking onto a city in the scrolling list.
- Hold down the Alt (Option) key, while you click on the title of one of the folowing entry fields: City, Country or Latitude-Longitute.
An alert prompts you "Define this location as the default location". Click "Yes". Then, all new chart location, including the Today chart will be at this place.

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Can I use the AstroQuick LIGHT version for commercial use over internet?.

AstroQuick LIGHT and BASIC standard licencs are dedicated for personnal use only. With the standard personnal license, you can use AstroQuick software to buid chart and use them for professionnal astrologer consultations, but you can't sell any paper print document (chart or interpretation). Also, you are not allowed to sell the interpretations by electronic way like email or PDF files. You can use graphical charts, as you like, to illustrate any free web site.

With the AstroQuick BASIC you can buy an additional commercial licence. This commercial licence is also included in professional packages. With this licence, you can use charts and interpretations for commercial business, under the Text interpretation module licence conditions (used media and quantity per year). For any question or special condition, please contact us.

Creating HTML web pages with link to AstroQuick chart's files

See your user manual (internet section) to find help for configuring your browser to reconize AstroQuick's files (just tell the browser to open ".ast" TEXT files with your AstroQuick application)
For html pages, put direct link to the chart's file (don't use special chars that are not suitable for internet) :

example of HTML code (link to file)
<P><A HREF="">click here to open this chart</A></P>

Try out your browser by clicking this link to open Pavarotti_Luciano.ast chart's file in AstroQuick application.

How to send a chart via internet ?

1- If your correspondant has the AstroQuick Mac application, you can send the chart's file.As like an email, put the chart's file in the file zone of the email window. AstroQuick files are ascii files but always prefer the "MacBinary" encoding for preventing from special ascii chars to be substituted.

2 - If your correspondant has not the AstroQuick Mac application, or if he has a PC, you can send him the chart's picture (only with version BASIC). Use the Publication item from the Edit menu to export a JPEG file containing the full Chart's report. Then, send this ".jpg" file to you correspondant by email.
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Does AstroQuick LIGHT do chart for Solar return or calculates Transits ?

No, these features are in AstroQuick BASIC.
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