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astrology interpretations  Astrology interpretation reports modules
Childs interpretation of Natal Chart

30-35 pages professional report
This module includes interpretations for Boys and Girls.
Author Tom Brosnan.

Horoscope module
makes the text interpretation of the following positions:
 • Ascendant and Midheaven in Signs
 • Planets in Signs and Houses from Sun to Pluto with their 5 majors aspects
 • Houses 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11 in Signs

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Childs' sample report



Yves's Profile

Born Friday 10/14/1921, 00h00, at Montsummano/Pistoia - Italie.

Welcome to Yves's astrological profile. It is written with the intent of giving parents in particular, and concerned parties in general, an idea of Yves's character, talents, needs and wants. With this knowledge, help and assistance can be provided which, with a little hope, will point Yves in the right direction. As this is a very specific child profile it requires an accurate birth time. If you do not know the exact time of birth some of the information may not be completely relevant although the overall view will still be valid.

This profile is divided into a number of sections - detailed below - to make it easier to read and understand.

When reading this you will find both the positive and negative qualities of Yves defined. Most people will be happy to learn about the positive ones, while others may get upset over the negative ones. Contradictions will always appear in a person. They are what gives us our uniqueness. We have tried to balance all qualities as much as possible so you get a good overview. Some children have wonderful charts while others have difficult charts and this will manifest in their personality.

The 'profile' as outlined here is not set in concrete and can be changed with your help. If the profile is positive you simply support and direct Yves . Where the profile indicates difficulties for Yves, guidance, direction and boundaries will be important.

An astrological profile is suitable for any child from about sixteen months and up. That is when he or she will start manifesting the qualities described. If you are having this profile prepared for a newly born child you will have to wait some time before it begins to make sense and be of value.

Below are the categories covered.

Section A - laying down the foundations

1. Essential character - this profiles the general trends and outstanding characteristics of Yves 's nature, and also makes some comment on the quality of the relationship with the father. However this is not easily defined using Astrology so the section entitled 'Emotional and feeling nature' must be considered carefully in tandem with this opening section!

* Between the first two sections which deal essentially with father and mother there is a short section on 'The dominant parent'. We do not try to make a definitive judgement here but tradition states that the father is externally dominant and the mother is emotionally, or internally, dominant. Make your own judgement as to which parent fits the bill best!

2. Emotional and feeling nature - this shows how the more passive and sensitive side of the nature is likely to develop and also comments on the nature of the relationship with Yves's mother.

3. At this point we look more directly at the relationship between Yves and his mother.

4. Personality - this is a description of Yves's physical nature; and also his general approach to the world; the way he sees it; and the way he likes to be seen. For instance, does he wear rose-coloured glasses or does he view the world from behind dark glasses?

Section B - from toddler to teenager

The process of development

1. Assertiveness - this describes how Yves makes his presence felt and if he is essentially active or passive. Does he like to push his way to the front, or stay determinedly in the background?

2. Friendship and social attitudes - this looks at how Yves will get on with others. For instance, will he be a bit of a loner, have hundreds of friends, or just a few who are useful, and so on.

3. The power of the mind - this describes the approach the child is likely to take towards the intellectual and academic side of life and how he will respond to the rigours of education.

4. Money - this looks at how Yves will handle the money in his pocket or purse. Spendthrift or miser? Such traits establish themselves early and tend to remain with us all our lives.

Section C - preparing for independence

1. Higher education and establishing values - this section describes how the child, approaching complete independence, lays down the belief and educational framework that will sustain him through his adult life.

2. Approach to daily working life - this looks at how Yves is likely to fare in the harsh world of work. What drive, if any, he has to succeed and how he will deal with the inevitable day-to-day necessities of work.

3. Career and ambitions - this final section examines how Yves might approach the business of how to make his mark on life, and what areas might be the most productive for him as he grows steadily older.

Section A - laying down the foundations

Essential character

The Sun signifies our inner sense of identity, and our will. It is the single most important planet in our birth chart and generally describes what we are seeking to become through the journey of life, or perhaps our 'destiny'.

Sun in Libra

Despite the fact that Libra - Yves's Sun sign - is symbolised by the Scales, Yves will only rarely achieve a state of balance!

In fact, he is likely to be quite the opposite. His mood and opinion will swing first one way - then the opposite - then back again - until, in time, a balanced result is obtained. The process of striving for balance can be long, for Yves will have to explore all the options and consider all the possibilities before coming to a decision.

His god is logic. He will subject everything in life to his reasoning processes, discounting feelings and mistrusting intuition, relying only on rationale.
This is not to imply that Yves will grow into some sort of coldly calculating robot, however. The ruler of his Sun sign is Venus, a planet whose gentle nature will encourage him to relate and reconcile; to make bridges.

Making bridges can be achieved by words, and Yves will be the tactful diplomat of the family, achieving much through gentle persuasion and subtle negotiation. He will be skilled at weighing and assessing all the sides of a situation in order to reach a fair result or a judicious verdict. He would make a good counsellor or arbitrator, and do well in public relations or the Law.

But, to Yves, the most important way of building bridges will be through personal relationships, and Venus will influence him to seek balance through the equalising medium of a partner.

This translates into romantic attraction! Yves has a very strong need to form relationships, to give and to receive affection, and to 'relate' to another. Through a partner, he will in some way be able to 'validate' himself, and better express his sense of 'self'.

He will display natural good taste from an early age, and may develop an interest in interior decoration or design of some kind. He may plump for soft pastels or cool, sophisticated colours for his bedroom, rather than the bright primary colours that children are traditionally supposed to be drawn to.

He will be a likeable and agreeable child, full of grace and charm and a warm, open friendliness. He cannot bear to be 'at odds' with anyone - his need for popularity and the constant approbation of others is paramount, and there will be little he will not do in order to safeguard it.

His desire is to secure peace and harmony at all costs, for he cannot bear discord, the ugliness of confrontation or the responsibility of causing pain, and he may be prepared to compromise his ideals in the pursuit of this.

But Yves is not all 'sweetness and light' for, like everyone else, he has a temper. And although it may be displayed only rarely, you'd be wise to take cover when he gives vent to his anger! Then you'll really know what he's been thinking all these years!

Sun in 4th house

Yves has a strong sense of heritage and it is from this that he derives a sense of identity. Family 'roots' will be important to him, and he is likely to be particularly close to his grandparents.

When older, it will be vital for him to establish a home of his own - a secure base he can take pride in, and where he can 'rule the roost'. He may not feel totally settled and confident about expressing his identity until the second half of life. For $NAME, life really does begin at 40!

The dominant parent

In this section we are using traditional astrological rules for defining the relationship with the father. In some cases, however, this may well be more applicable to the mother. Generally, one or other of the parents has the strongest influence in developing a child's approach to the outside world. Traditionally this has been the father's role, but it could perfectly well apply to the mother; hence the use of the phrase 'the dominant parent'

Aries 10th house

Yves will tend to have a rather competitive relationship with his father and, as he gets older, restraint and understanding will have to be applied by the adult to avoid unnecessary arguments.

Emotional and feeling nature

In this section we shall examine how Yves relates on an emotional or passive level. This is traditionally associated with the maternal relationship but we have not made such an obvious assumption and the following section should not be read as being primarily concerned with the relationship between mother and child.

Moon in Pisces

Astrologically, the Moon describes our responses, sensitivity, our feeling nature, and the unconscious side of our personality. It shows how we will react on an instinctive level.

It shows our emotions and these, of course, will be filtered, or coloured, by the sign in which the Moon falls. Most importantly, the Moon shows our needs.

Yves needs sympathy, dreams and peace.

Extremely sensitive, he is often at the mercy of his emotions, and will find it difficult to make harsh decisions. A dedicated collector of 'lame dogs', he will be attracted to the flawed and the damaged, finding purpose in restoring them to wholeness again.

With his vivid imagination, he is likely to be musical or artistic in some way. Yves is immeasurably kind and compassionate, but he may have a tendency to manipulate others in order to have his needs met.

Moon in 9th house

The houses are different compartments of life, different areas of experience, and each house will 'colour' the Moon in a slightly different way.

He needs to be able to relate emotionally to a highly principled role model in his life (his mother would be the ideal candidate), and a strongly moral family framework will be essential to his sense of security. Emotionally restless, he may find commitment difficult.

Throughout his life, he may feel that 'the grass is greener on the other side of the fence', and spend many years looking for a philosophy that will satisfy his longings, or spiritual enlightenment of some kind. As he grows up he may decide that a foreign culture gives him the kind of emotional nourishment he needs and he may make his home and raise a family abroad.

Moon trine Mercury

Yves can easily express his feelings and emotions in words and you'll probably find that he talks early. No doubt he will grow up to be a skilled communicator.

Moon opposition Venus

Yves will have an essentially charming nature but he may have difficulty knowing where to draw certain lines. His need to be liked by others could lead him into compromising situations. As he grows older he might find it difficult to sustain relationships as he will have a tendency to become easily bored. The more stability he has while growing up, the more balanced his adult life will be.

Moon opposition Mars

Yves is emotionally very impulsive and is liable to act out his feelings without thinking. Unfortunately he tends to see slights where there are none and then throws real temper tantrums. These have their roots in his relationship with his mother, which might be somewhat fraught. He needs to learn the fine art of patience and not being so quick to react.

Moon conjunct Uranus

Yves has a unique and original personality; some may even call it perverse or contrary. He demands to 'do his own thing' no matter what; hating any sort of restriction. His moods will be a little erratic and those close to him may never quite know how he is going to be feeling from one moment to the next, or why! As he grows older he may find 'settling down' in the conventional sense rather difficult.

Moon trine Pluto

Yves will grow up with a strong sense of self-identity and his own power. This is because he has an essentially strong relationship with his mother in which power struggles do not become injurious.

Although it is true to say that he will always have a very intense side to his nature, it is unlikely to be a cause of any problems to himself or others.

Mother and child relationship

It is important to understand that the relationship between mother and child is always 'symbiotic'. In other words, the way the mother behaves towards the child and the way the child perceives his mother is so inextricably linked that it is hard to separate the one from the other. Does the mother react to the child or does the child react to the mother? This is perhaps the original 'chicken and egg' question, and in this section we shall try to address this issue.

Yves could be slightly lost in his own world so his mother may find it difficult establishing a close relationship with him. It is as if he is somehow unavailable to her. This is not malice or coldness but rather shyness, and sensitivity to the feelings of others. He is frightened of hurting his mother's feelings, so may often not tell what he is feeling. Or he can be overly dependent on his mother and unable to leave her side, fretting whenever she goes away. His mother will need to spend a lot of time with him because of his sensitivity.

To his mother, Yves might seem a vague and often confused child in a world of his own, while he may well regard her in a similar light. The best way she can relate with him is to share her imagination and interest in fantasy; to get lost with him in the world of imagination where the harsh realities of the world do not impinge. It is vital that this power of imagination be utilised because there are other methods of fleeing from reality that are considerably more destructive!

The relationship between Yves and his mother should have a strong element of fun but may have a distant aspect to it in the sense that Yves looks to his mother to teach him about the world while his mother is probably perfectly happy to play the role. The consequence of this and Yves's natural curiosity is that together they inadvertently conspire towards an early flying from the nest.


This section looks at how Yves views the world and likes to be viewed by others. No matter what our essential nature may be all of us have a 'face' that we put on for public consumption and this section describes that 'face'.

Cancer rising

Yves's ascendant (or rising sign) is Cancer.

People born with Cancer rising are ruled by the Moon, and Yves is likely to be a child of many - and fluctuating moods. Emotional security is vital to his well-being: unconditional love (in abundance) will make him feel safe and secure. The relationship with his mother will be crucial to his development.

He will be easily moved to tears, both as a child and an adult. A sensitive and emotional person like Yves orients himself to the world through his feelings, and he will be easily influenced by the moods and emotional appeals of others.

Yves will find it hard - even impossible - to get rid of that which is old or outdated in his life, and so consequently he will be a tremendous hoarder. Old toys, old school books, old clothes, will all be stockpiled in his bedroom - send them to the jumble sale at your peril! Later, when he is grown up, old friends, old loves, old hates and old memories will be added to his collection. They are part of his emotional defences, and add to his sense of security.

Yves will be a loving and sympathetic person, who is good with people. He is likely to be extremely creative, and will have a strong tenacious streak.

Neptune in 1st

Dreamy and sensitive, Yves is a highly impressionable child, attuned to the moods and feelings of others.

His entire personality will be influenced by his experiences, his surroundings, and those he is involved with. In this respect he is rather like the chameleon that cloaks itself in colours in order to blend in, and merge with the background.

The fundamental principle of Neptune is to dissolve, and to negate differences. Those born with Neptune in the first house of self are affected by this 'dissolving' quality, and individuals with this placement may suffer a life-long lack of strong self-identity.

Yves will probably be a great day-dreamer, weaving wonderful stories in his mind, and enjoying a fantasy world where anything is possible. He will find it hard at school to concentrate on his lessons, and may lack application for such disciplines as mathematics or science, preferring (and doing well at) literature, drama, or history.

Yves is likely to be artistic, with a talent for dance, music, acting or painting (such artistry is often inspired by mystical visions, and subliminal influences). If other factors in his chart agree, he may be extremely intuitive - and possibly even clairvoyant.

The influence of Neptune on such an important sector of his chart may lead to a blurring of Yves's boundaries. He may be confused and disorganised, and find it hard to distinguish between reality and illusion. And there is always a temptation, when Neptune is found in the first house, for the individual's escape from reality to be found through the medium of drink or drugs.

Yves will be a kind, compassionate and empathetic person, ever sensitive to the suffering of others. He will be attracted to 'lame dogs', the flawed, and those whose sorry plight will enable him to play the role of 'rescuer'. He will often wish to help the less fortunate even though it may involve the sacrifice of some aspect of himself. If this is taken to extremes, he could become a 'doormat' or a martyr, making few or no demands for himself.

Section B - Toddler to teenager

The process of development

Assertion In this section we will be looking at the way in which the child finds his way through the rough and tumble of childhood - and later life - without being pushed around by others. The methods and approaches he uses to make sure his own needs are met and how he deals with the needs of others when they are at odds with his own.

Mars and the 3rd house

Yves is quick to assert himself, but this generally shows in a much more mental than physical fashion. In the school playground he is likely to be known for his lively wit, but also his ability to destroy those he dislikes with his sharp tongue.

Friends and social groups

In this section we shall be looking at what sort of friends Yves needs and what he is likely to take to the friendship himself. We shall also look at the way in which he is likely to interact with social groups or whether, for example, he would prefer to be on his own.

Taurus 11th house

Yves will seek artistic, wealthy and stable friends, people with taste and style. He will probably choose to spend time with those who help him to live the kind of comfortable life he desires.

More on friends and social groups

A secretiveness and tendency to play his cards close to his chest dominate and control this child's social life and friendships. Yves doesn't quite have the openness that is required to have many friends. He is sensitive about sharing his feelings and unconventional ideas so he doesn't make contact with many people. However, he forms close and intense bonds with those he does connect with. This kind of intensity may be suffocating for some people, and it is generally more appropriate for lovers than friends, so he may need to learn how to give freedom as well as receive it.

The power of the mind

In this section we indicate Yves's communication and learning skills, his needs at school and requirements for further education. Of particular interest to parents will be how to talk and connect with him!

Virgo 3rd house

Yves has a logical, practical, systematic and literal mind. He learns best through example, and by 'hands on' experience. Although he is not particularly interested in abstract ideas, he is nonetheless skilled at puzzle solving. He learns quickly and is likely to take great satisfaction from acquiring a vast data bank of detailed knowledge. At school he should do well with his careful and studied approach to his work.

Venus in 3rd house

Yves is gifted with an intellectual appreciation of literature and the arts. He is likely to be the sort of child whose nose is invariably stuck between the pages of a book, and he may be especially interested in reading - and even writing - poetry. Words, and languages, will have a very strong appeal to him. A polite and charming child, he will be a fluent speaker from an early age, loving to chat and interact with others.

Yves is likely to have a low and melodious voice which could be successfully trained in singing, or he could have an aptitude for music. Rhythmic in his movements, he will particularly enjoy music lessons at school.

As far as discipline in his upbringing is concerned, he will respond far better to diplomacy, tactful handling, and an appeal to his better nature, than a parental show of strength!

Mars in 3rd house

A quick thinker, and mentally sharp, Yves has an incisive mind which gets to the point straight away. He loves to argue (although he will call it 'debate'!), and he may be rather provocative and confrontational in his dealings with others. Unless other astrological factors in his chart come to his aid, tactful diplomacy is not likely to be one of his strengths!

The challenge of school will bring out and develop his assertive qualities, and he may quickly establish himself as the leader of a school gang or group of friends. Sibling conflict is certainly a possibility.

Jupiter in 3rd house

Jupiter's astrological function is to expand whatever it contacts. In Yves's chart, Jupiter is to be found in his third house of mentality, and so his intellect, his communicative abilities, and his reasoning powers are likely to benefit from Jupiter's benign influence.

Yves's mind will be a rich repository of inspirational ideas, philosophical thought, far-reaching vision and clear sighted wisdom, to say nothing of an unquenchable optimism!

Quick to grasp the broad outline of any concept and to find meaning in ideas, Yves is a natural teacher who delights in handing-on the knowledge he so eagerly acquires. His appetite for learning will be voracious, and for him, intellectual fulfilment will come from enriching his restless, questing mind. This trait may not be apparent during his early schooldays, though, as Yves is a person who will better enjoy (and benefit more from) his days in further, or adult, education.

Yves is a child with much to say. He may have a tendency to wild exaggeration. This is not the hallmark of an untruthful child, however, but one whose creative imagination is developing and unfolding.

Saturn in 3rd house

During their formative years, some children produce a relentless babble of trivial chatter but this is unlikely to be the case with Yves. A quiet child, thoughtful and deliberate in speech and action, he will say little unless it is meaningful. As he grows up, he may retain this rather taciturn characteristic, but his measured and well-informed opinions will be generally well respected.

A patient plodder at school, his learning will be slow, but extremely thorough. He will be reluctant to speak out in class unless absolutely sure his answers are correct, and his fear of failure will spur him on to complete his homework assignments! And, although he may not enjoy sitting examinations, Yves will need the reassurance of many diplomas and certificates - tangible proof of his intellectual achievements - before feeling fully confident of his abilities.

Yves is the sort of child who will shine at being a prefect, or undertaking some responsible role at school, for he operates best in a position of authority. He is strongly interested in power and status and will greatly enjoy learning about world leaders and historical figures who have occupied positions of influence. He may take an early interest in politics, too.

Yves has precise and definite ideas, and communicates clearly and succinctly. He will be fully aware of the invaluable role that education will play in furthering his ambitions, and he is able to exercise patience and self discipline in his upward climb.

More about mental approaches.

Extremely intuitive, remarkably perceptive, Yves is also obsessively secretive about his innermost thoughts, and so you may never fully fathom this child's mind. Still waters run deep, they say, and Yves prefers to keep silent about what goes on in his head.

His mentality is complex. He can rarely be swayed by sugary sentiment, but he responds to strong emotions. He can be sharp (even cruel) in his speech, and some of his ideas may be considered harsh, yet there is a deep vein of compassion within him.

His mental energy is immense. He has great determination and resourcefulness, and can overcome the most enormous obstacles with nothing more than the force of his willpower.

At school, his fundamental need for control may lead to power struggles with his teachers and, if thwarted, he may be manipulative and even subversive. He can also be alarmingly obstinate. He takes pleasure from knowing that others can be intimidated by his intellect, and he enjoys playing mind games.

There's nothing wishy-washy about his communicative abilities. Never superficial, but passionate and intense, Yves can even manage to say "good morning" in a meaningful way!

With this astrological placement, there is often a strong possibility that Yves has the good fortune to come from a 'bookish' family, or one where family games and activities that stretch the intellect are the norm.

A firm bedtime routine - which must, of course, include a bedtime story! - will do much to nurture Yves's sense of security when younger. As he grows older, and more confident, home life is likely to be somewhat chaotic with friends and neighbours popping in and out at all hours of the day (and night!).

Yves takes a lively interest in family affairs and is more talkative and active at home than he is outside, for he is inclined to be shy and wary of strangers.

His reading tastes may run to historical novels, and he may become interested in genealogy or archaeology.

Mercury sextile Mars

Yves has a sharp and incisive mind that gets to the point quickly. He 'cottons on' rapidly when learning something new but, because learning comes easily to him, he may be impatient of slower folk.

This will lead to boredom, tempting him to switch off from his lessons and think about something else. His mind works well with games of strategy, like chess.

Mercury square Neptune

A dreamy and highly imaginative child, Yves may find it hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

This is not to say that he is in any way untruthful, of course. It's just that he has the unconscious ability to distort the hard facts of reality so that they may more comfortably fit in with his perception of a situation. It is the sort of viewpoint that allows, for instance, the bitter blow of redundancy to be seen as 'a wonderful chance to spend more time with the family'.

Neptune's proximity to Mercury in Yves's chart may rob him of rationale, objectivity and a certain amount of clear-sightedness. However, he will be more than compensated by his heightened creativity, sensitivity, and intuition.

This child will learn little or nothing if he is simply presented with rigid formulae or solid blocks of dull, factual information. Indeed, such an approach may lead to learning difficulties, even dyslexia. But capture his imagination, inspire him, and there are no limits to what he may absorb!

Mercury trine Pluto

This is a child of formidable intellect. His penetrating and resourceful mind - to say nothing of his phenomenal willpower - combine to ensure that Yves is a force to be reckoned with!

Refusing to be fobbed off with superficial answers, he is relentless when probing for the truth in a situation. He has a wonderful ability to sift fact from fiction and to dig deep to get to the bottom of things. So if there are any skeletons in family cupboards, be sure that Yves will unearth them!

Earning and spending money

In this section we shall look at how Yves is likely to develop in terms of his attitude towards the acquisition and expenditure of money.

Leo 2nd house

Yves has a creative approach to making money. However he may earn his living, he will do it with flair and aplomb, and will invariably use his leadership skills in the cause of generating income. He may speculate (or even gamble) with his money.

More information concerning Yves's attitude towards finances.

Yves is likely to be careful with his money, and follows the precept: "Look after the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves". He will be organised and exacting in his financial affairs. Never spending lavishly or recklessly, he will budget for what he wants to acquire, and insist on value for money.

Additionally, Yves's talent for communicating easily and effectively will enable him to make useful business contacts, from which professional opportunities often arise. His instinctive ability to talk in terms of other people's interests can be turned to his financial advantage.

Section C - preparing for independence

Higher education and establishing values

In this section we shall examine how Yves is likely to find his place in society as he grows older. What standards he will set for himself and what he values. This will probably not become clear until Yves has reached at least the puberty stage.

Pisces 9th house

Mystery and imagination colour Yves's ideas about education and philosophy. He may be very inspired in his ideas or confused about life but he is especially suited to studying the arts, music and film. His interests may also include psychology and medicine.

More about philosophy and further education.

Yves is likely to be highly-principled, with a strong sense of justice. The law, and egalitarian issues, will be of particular interest and concern to him, and could well be the subject of study in higher education. He will also probably decide, from the social point of view that, going on to further education is an excellent idea.

Wherever Jupiter is located in a chart we find expansion. In Yves's case, it is his mind which is being expanded - his communicative abilities, his intellect, and his reasoning. He has a voracious appetite for learning (reading in particular) and he is quick to grasp the broad outline of any concept. Intellectual fulfilment comes from enriching his mind. With this in mind it is likely he will derive great benefit from further education.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn

Yves is likely to meet certain obstacles during his lifetime, and these must be tackled and overcome before he can develop. For instance, a pessimistic streak may prevent him from recognising opportunities or he may lack the confidence to take advantage of them when he does spot them. Rigidity of thought may inhibit flexibility of aspiration.

Yves is likely to establish his own personal belief system based on the idea of constant change. He will always feel that any established system, his own included, should be regularly replaced to prevent rot setting in. In this sense he has what might be termed a revolutionary streak.

Approach to daily working life

This section will look at how this child may approach the thorny problem of working for a living. Naturally this will not to show until his teenage years, but as with everything else, forewarned is forearmed and there will always be ways to produce the most positive outcome!

Sagittarius 6th house

Yves is ideally suited to work involving sports, education, travel, the law and publishing.

More about mental approaches.

Extremely intuitive, remarkably perceptive, Yves is also obsessively secretive about his innermost thoughts, and so you may never fully fathom this child's mind. Still waters run deep, they say, and Yves prefers to keep silent about what goes on in his head.

His mentality is complex. He can rarely be swayed by sugary sentiment, but he responds to strong emotions. He can be sharp (even cruel) in his speech, and some of his ideas may be considered harsh, yet there is a deep vein of compassion within him.

His mental energy is immense. He has great determination and resourcefulness, and can overcome the most enormous obstacles with nothing more than the force of his willpower.

At school, his fundamental need for control may lead to power struggles with his teachers and, if thwarted, he may be manipulative and even subversive. He can also be alarmingly obstinate. He takes pleasure from knowing that others can be intimidated by his intellect, and he enjoys playing mind games.

There's nothing wishy-washy about his communicative abilities. Never superficial, but passionate and intense, Yves can even manage to say "good morning" in a meaningful way!

With this astrological placement, there is often a strong possibility that Yves has the good fortune to come from a 'bookish' family, or one where family games and activities that stretch the intellect are the norm.

A firm bedtime routine - which must, of course, include a bedtime story! - will do much to nurture Yves's sense of security when younger. As he grows older, and more confident, home life is likely to be somewhat chaotic with friends and neighbours popping in and out at all hours of the day (and night!).

Yves takes a lively interest in family affairs and is more talkative and active at home than he is outside, for he is inclined to be shy and wary of strangers.

His reading tastes may run to historical novels, and he may become interested in genealogy or archaeology.

Career and ambitions

In this section we shall look at how Yves might approach the outside world in terms of possible careers and potential ambitions as he grows to maturity. Naturally these traits are unlikely to show until Yves is at least in his teens.

More about possible career approaches.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a book which Yves will have no real need to read, for he has an innate sense of social awareness and responsibility, and knows instinctively how to get the best from others. He knows, too, that far more is gained by co-operation than by force.

The wheels of his professional life will be liberally oiled by his harmonious social relationships and his ability to interact with other folk. His career, therefore, should utilise his social skills and special strengths in dealing with other people, and he would do well in the Law, or in one of the arbitration, mediation, or counselling services.

But there is a slight drawback to the picture of Yves as a latter-day Solomon, dispensing wisdom and judgement to all and sundry. Because one of the things he fears most is to be considered unjust, unfair, or biased in some way, he may act pre-emptively, over-compensating by being a little too rigid in his interpretation of fairness or justice, and this of course may appear harsh (and unjust!) to others.

Yves may defer marrying until he is fully mature, or may choose an older partner, or one whose professional status or social position can aid his own professional aspirations.

Highly-conscientious, Yves will enjoy a job where he is involved in time-consuming projects, marshalling facts and figures, and organising details. Although perhaps a little reticent himself, he would nonetheless make good progress in the communications industry as an administrator or a manager.

This concludes Yves's astrological profile.

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natal astrology chart yves montand chart report with aspectarain positions, houses, signs, distribution fire earth air water fixed mutable cardinal

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